You searched for: “most jocular
jocular (adjective), more jocular, most jocular
1. Descriptive of a playful joking disposition: Norman's jocular sense of humor was appreciated by his colleagues when dealing with stressful situations.
2. Humorous, intended to be funny: Although sometimes out of sync with the occasion, Peter never forgot his jocular sense of humor.
3. Characterized by joking: Jeb's mother told him to contain his jocular sense of humor during the church ceremony.
4. Containing jokes; sportive; not serious: Despite his serious face, Glenn often told jocular jokes that were not appropriate on some occasions.
Funny, humorous.
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Funny, humorous.
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Funny, humorous.
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This entry is located in the following units: jocu-, jocul-; jocund- (page 1) -ular (page 6)
Word Entries at Get Words: “most jocular
Intended to be funny, treated as a joke, or containing humor. (3)